Operation IMDb

One of my first and favourite personal projects

The idea for this project came to me after watching 'The Godfather', and since I was not a big fan of the movie, I was amazed at how many critics considered it to be one of the best movies of all times if not the best, so I immediately got to work to better understand the problem using my data skills.

Using web scraping in Python utilizing BeautifulSoup, I managed to collect data about the top 250 movies of all time according to IMDb. The data contained each movie's name, year, Critic score, and audience score. The goal was to compare the critic and audience scores for each movie in a visually appealing format.

The results visualized in Tablue were fascinating to me. The scatter plot with critic and audience scores on the x and y axis respectively showed, in four different quarters, movies that were highly praised by both critics and the audience, or neither, or only the audience, and those that I was particularly interested in, movies that got very high critic score but didn't appeal as much to the audience.

'The Godfather' wasn't one of them though!

Check the project on Github